Monday, September 30, 2019

The Definition of a Princess

Every little girl has once wished (upon a star) to one day be a princess in a fairy tale. However, do they truly understand what the definition of a fairy tale princess is? Fairy tales have created a definition and a set of requirements of a true princess, a definition and a set of requirements that could easily be applied to a pretty teacup or any other inanimate object. These fairy tales have defined a princess as someone who is unrealistically beautiful, passive, with no voice, and helpless and dependent. Beauty is one of the key requirements to be a princess. Every woman in a fairy tale is either a beautiful princess or an ugly witch or stepmother. There are no average looking women to be found in these tales. Since physical qualities are often an allegory to the goodness or evil of a character, beauty has been a requirement for a princess. In the picture books and movies of these fairy tales, audiences will see tall skinny girls whose waists are almost the size of their necks with eyes that are abnormally large. Though unrealistic, this appearance has been made necessary in these tales. Would Cinderella be let in to the ball or ever have a dance with a prince if she were ugly? Would Prince Charming even consider kissing â€Å"Sleeping Beauty† if she were â€Å"Sleeping Ugly†? Beauty is such an important part of a princess but how does it affect those young girls who wish to be like them? These fairy tales give the message that the only way to find love or Mr. Perfect is to be beautiful. Young girls watch and read storybooks and movies that have princesses with body types that are considered anorexic. This image will sink in to their minds subconsciously and affect them for the rest of their lives, since most children will never be able to reach the standard of beauty required to be a princess. Along with beauty, a princess has been defined to have no voice or say. In almost every fairy tale a princess never gets to express her opinion or personality. The ultimate example of this is in the Little Mermaid (Disney Version) when Ariel trades her voice so she can alter her appearance. She is told that she won’t need a voice to get the prince and all she needs to do is look pretty. This leads young girls to think their voice and opinion don’t matter and to have their â€Å"happily ever after,† all they have to do is stay quiet passive and be visually attractive. Lastly a princess is defined as someone who is helpless and dependent. Almost every single fairy tale has a damsel in distress waiting for the prince to save them. Sleeping Beauty has to wait for Prince Charming, Rapunzel has to wait in her tower, and Prince Eric saves Ariel. In all fairy tales this is a common factor; the princess is always helpless and needs saving. Never in a traditional fairy tale does a princess save the prince. In addition to the sexism in these tales, they present and promote a negative message for girls. It communicates to girls that if something bad is happening or if there is a problem, wait for a male to come and solve the situation. Putting these ideas in little girls’ heads at such an early age will discourage them from to ever becoming strong and confident women. Understanding the true definition of a fairy tale princess is, princesses should not be role models for so many girls. However so many little girls still want to be princesses, even if they are defined to be unrealistically beautiful, passive, voiceless, and helplessly dependent on others. This needs to change in order to have more confident and smart women. Society should think about these fairy tales and really consider if the princess in the tale is someone young girls should have as their role models.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Ethics Notes Chapters

Ethics, and Human Behavior Ethical issues exist in all areas of criminal Justice system (from passage of laws to punishment) Criminal Justice professionals have discretion Legislators: In making laws Police: In enforcing laws Attorneys and Judges: affecting Justice process Correctional Professionals: affecting offenders lives What do criminal Justice professionals have in common? Power to make decisions duty to enforce the law obligation to provide â€Å"due process† and â€Å"equal protection† for all commitment to â€Å"public service† Goals of the study of ethics -BrawledBecome aware of and open to ethical issues Begin developing critical thinking skills Become more personally responsible Understand coercive element of the Justice system Develop wholesales (the ability to explore with ones heart as well as ones mind) Defining Terms morals The judgment of behavior as right or wrong. Ethics The study and analysis tot what constitutes g * The two words are often used interchangeably. Or bad conduct. Meta-ethics Technical investigation of the meaning of ethical terms, as well as how ethical statements can be verified. Normative ethics Definition of right conduct and moral duties. Plied ethics Application of ethical principles to specific issues or fields. Professional ethics Examination of the behavior of certain professional groups. Duties Moral obligations that one must carry out to be considered ethical. Supererogatory An act that goes beyond duty and is not required to be considered DOD or moral. Imperfect duties General obligation with no specific acts. Honesty Health Family Financial success Beauty What else are values? Are some more important than others? To be Ouagadougou or immoral,behavior must involve: human acts of free will detecting others Inventory of Ethical IssuesIndividual or Other Employees backstabbing and lack of support gossip sexual or racial harassment lying to cover up blame taking credit for others' work Organizatio n and Employees sexual or racial harassment by supervisors discouraging honest criticism or feedback arbitrary or unfair decisions inadequate compensation inadequate training unrealistic or inappropriate demands putting employees in unnecessary danger By the Individual and Organization work ethic (days work for a days pay) petty theft of supplies or cash overtime abuse gifts and gratuities falsifying reports misuse of sick days arsenal use of supplies or equipment Morality and Behavior Even when people know what is right, sometimes they choose to do wrong?why? Criminology Psychology Other fields seek to answer this question Are people fundamentally good or fundamentally bad? Thinking Point Omar Thornton of Connecticut walked into his employer, Hartford Distributors, for a hearing concerning his possible termination. During the meeting, Thornton pulled out a pistol and shot ten of his coworkers, killing eight, before turning the gun on himself. What caused Thornton to carry oh t this minority act? Was he born intrinsically bad? Was he a good person that had a tragic turn of circumstances that forced him into a criminal act? Morality = Law ?Ethical Issues and Dilemmas Decentralization of soft drugs? Sex-offender registries? Death penalty? Mandatory DNA testing? Three-strikes legislation? Racial profiling? Steps for Clarifications Dilemmas Review all the facts. Identify relevant values of all parties. Identify all moral issues. Identify most immediate moral issue. Resolve the dilemma. CHAPTER 2: Determining Moral Behavior Ethical Systems Deontological Ethical Systems Teleological Ethical Systems Ethical Formalism According to German philosopher Emmanuel Kant: ill (motivation) is the only thing that is intrinsically good. Duty is required behavior. It is self-imposed and necessary to morality.The Categorical Imperative Ethical Formalism: Imperatives Categorical imperatives Are absolute. Are based on good will. Determine morality. You must not lie. Criticisms of Et hical Formalism Utilitarianism leered Beneath An action's morality depends on how much it contributes to the overall good of society. Humans are hedonistic. They seek to maximize pleasure and avoid pain. DOD for the greatest number On April 20th, 2010 a British Petroleum offshore rig exploded killing 11 employees ND causing one of the largest oil spills in modern history. Investigators soon located the faulty alarm systems. The alarms did not alert because they had been intentionally disconnected close to a year ago.BP had the alarms turned off in order to allow employees to sleep without being interrupted by false alarms thus creating a better functioning workforce. If the alarms were enabled, the rig would have automatically entered shut down mode, virtually eliminating the oil spill. Was Up's original â€Å"act† inherently good? Bad? Did they have a duty to act one way or the other? Criticisms of Utilitarianism Religion People hold different opinions about which religion i s the â€Å"true† religion. People within a religion often disagree on how to interpret its principles. Religious controversies are often difficult to resolve. Natural Law Criticisms of Natural Law How can we determine what is natural law versus man-made law? What are the â€Å"natural† laws of morality?The Ethics of Virtue Aristotle True virtue is the median between extremes of character: the golden mean. People develop moral virtues through practice, Just like any other strength. Daemonic: living the â€Å"good life† Six Pillars Josephs Institute) Trustworthiness : Honesty, sincerity, loyalty Respect : Golden Rule Responsibility : Being accountable Fairness : Equality, impartiality, and due process Caring : Altruism and benevolence Citizenship : Duties of citizenship Criticisms of Ethics of Virtue Basically assumes a good person will make a good decision. Little help for people facing dilemmas. The Ethics of Care Western ethical systems focus on issues like ri ghts, laws, and universalism.Ethics of care?nurture, meeting needs Criticisms of Ethics of Care Criticisms of Egoism Violates universalism. Logically inconsistent (for everyone to try and maximize self interest). Enlightened egoism is not too different from categorical imperative or golden rule. Other Methods epithetical Decision Making The imperative principle directs a decision maker to act according to a specific, unbending rule. The utilitarian principle determines the ethics of conduct by the DOD or bad consequences of the action. The generalization principle is based on this question: â€Å"What would happen if all similar persons acted this way under similar circumstances? General Principles federation Making Obtain all facts (including the effects of prospective decisions). Evaluate whether odd be comfortable with your decision appearing on the front page (in public view). Consider one's principles to be like a formula – applicable in all situations. Relativism Ethic al Relativism Moral systems are products of an individual or group. If people believe different things are good and bad, how can you define what is good? Situational Ethics: A compromise between relativism and absolutism There are basic principles of right and wrong. They can be applied to ethical dilemmas and moral issues. They may call for different results in different situations. 1.Treat each person with the utmost respect and care. . Do one's duty or duties in such a way that one does not violate the first principle. Summary of Ethical Systems Ethical formalism: What is good is that which conforms to the categorical imperative. Utilitarianism: What is good is that which results in the greatest utility for the greatest number. Religion: What is good is that which contorts to God's will. Natural law: What is good is that which is natural. Ethics of virtue: What is good is that which conforms to the Golden Mean. Ethics of care: What is good is that which meets the needs of those c oncerned. Egoism: What is good is that which benefits me.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Blending of Art and Mass Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Blending of Art and Mass Culture - Essay Example While he asserted that "the poster isa mass-produced object that must have a commercial function" (Medlej), Cassandre found that he could use images, colors, and text in a sort of artistic fusion to grab the attention of the viewer. Making posters as large as 13' x 15', Cassandre learned how lucrative art could be (Owen). As Neil Harris observed, "business [could] beas stimulating a patron of the arts as prelates, cardinals, and popes were who represented the church in the fifteenth century." Cassandre's approach was not without its detractors. There were those who wondered if his style would make its way from France into American advertising - specifically, whether the American advertising designers would be willing to set aside their more conservative and monotonous design styles for something that seemed to swing closer to the world of art than the world of business. Those who hoped that American advertisers would change their designs were those who saw how Cassandre's posters used geometry to grab the attention of the viewer; they realized the potential of "attention value." While advertising only attracts those whose "circumstances permit the possibility of action," Cassandre sought to make sure that the most focused attention would be on his posters (Parker). This focus would come with the elimination of distractions, so that the central message of the advertisement would be clear to the viewer (Parker). Cassandre established a handful of principles in his poster design. As mentioned above, Cassandre aimed for very large posters, and had a revolutionary attitude toward text. While other poster-makers attempted to squeeze the text in around designs, or wherever it would fit, Cassandre found the text to be the central part of the poster, particularly in advertisements. He claimed that "design should be based on the text and not inversely" (Medlej). His emphasis on the artistic value of text led him to experiment widely in sans serif fonts (Megaw, Hatchings), even to invent the Peignot-font, which he believed to be a "purer form of the alphabet" as far as it expressed the "essential character of Roman letters" (Tam). His goal was to make Peignot one of the established text-faces, but this did not come about during his lifetime (Tam). Cassandre's emphasis on text even went to the use of alliterative slogans to increase the allure to the viewer (Hambourg). Another one of his principles centerd around the use of geometry and architecture to design his posters. Enlarging a poster to the sizes that Cassandre wanted in the 1920's risked severe distortion of the original image, and so lines were used that would be difficult to distort. This use of line and form in a more figurative way was one of the basic influences in the later works of Max Lingner and Salvador Dali, who took the distortion of line and form to new frontiers (Held). Cassandre's notions of poster-making had a significant effect on a variety of art forms throughout the rest of the twentieth century. His ideas concerning the use of line and color to increase audience attention became one of the founding tenets of the Bauhaus school.

Funding for Public Schools Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Funding for Public Schools - Case Study Example It will also analyze the impacts, recommendations and implementation of court opinions and decisions on the West Orange-Cove case of 2005. Finally, it will bring out my own reflections of the belief I have regarding the property tax systems of the State and how it will impact on the financials of the public schools in Texas State Public school funding in Texas was first defined by an Act 'Gilmer-Aikin Act' of 1949 which enabled the establishment of a minimum foundation program. The program was designed to create a funding system that will see the State and other local sources remit revenue to the education systems. However, the system got a setback when the law suit was filed by school districts sitting issues of substantial inequity and misappropriation. The Texas Supreme Court then ruled that the Texas school funding system was unconstitutional and need to be scrapped. This resulted to the current financial system 'Robin Hood's system' which is currently in place Property taxes are revenues collected via taxes on businesses and individuals l9ivin gin the State ton finance school programs. The taxes usually contribute to about 49% of all funds that the school districts require in addition to the State and federal funds which contributes 41 and 10% respectively. Every school district has adopted two tax rates every year i.e. debt service tax rate and operations and maintenance tax rate. Adequacy and equity of funds The hotly debated issue of public financing in schools in the State has been the equity and adequacy of the funds. People argue on whether the most important goal is equity or adequacy or there is any combination of the two issues2. Equity provides equal distribution while adequacy advocates for enough funding for each and every student. Texas legislators are striving to meet a compromising level that will see the revolution of systems in Texas to fair policies that will ensure equal funds for all students and schools Most experts in the education arena are for the idea that the current systems are almost exhausted due to changing political and economic climates. To sustain a strong economy, they argue, will need an equally strong educational financial system that will be very efficient in meeting the growing demand s of the sector. Their opinion is that, districts will be able to save more of their revenues by providing quality childhood education. This will imply that the amount of money used to meet challenges of these students when they are in heir 9th grade will be lower compared to what would be needed if they obtained poor childhood education. If the current trends of court cases regarding the systems are anything to go by, then, the education system in the State will be at stake. West Orange-Cove case Texas schools coalition members, west orange-cove and other interested parties had filed a case in the courts to question the constitutional credibility of the Texas schools financing system3. San Antonio Independent School being the plaintiff in the property poor and equally poorly funded Edgewood district was involved in the case together with the others. Their claims were; 1. The schools financial system had evolved into a property tax violator thereby violating the Texas constitution, Article VIII of section 1

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Requirement Specification Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Requirement Specification - Case Study Example Due to the increasing requests of people involved in the preparation of question papers, the School is considering the computerization of the process to improve the current system by addressing the issues associated with it, while meeting quality assurance requirements in the preparation of question papers. The Examination and Conferment Unit (ECU) is a department at the Academic Registry of Oxford Brookes University which provides services to the entire university related to examinations, award certificates and conferment of awards, and award ceremonies (Brookes, 2007). The ECU has prepared Guidelines for Examination Paper Preparation and Submission (Appendix 1). At the beginning of each semester, the ECU sends the examination paper template (Appendix 2) to all module leaders in the different academic schools of Brookes, who have an examination at the end of the semester. The template is a Word document which has been laid out to comply with the University's approved format for examination papers. Upon completion of examination paper preparation by the different schools, a camera-ready hard copy of the papers along with additional exam materials such as case studies and formula sheets, should be submitted to the ECU, either by hand or using the secure pouch system. Fiona Parker is the Academic Programmes Administrator at the School of Technology. She is also the designated exam secretary and holder of the secure pouch system at the School. She prepares the TE01 and TE02 forms (Appendix 3,4,5,6) for modules that have examination and modules that only have coursework as assessment, respectively, for distribution to the module leaders at the beginning of the semester and collected together with the papers or coursework schedules. The forms are word documents which work with an excel spreadsheet in a mail merge operation (Appendix 7) which Fiona Parker needs to complete using a tedious manual process (Appendix 8). Generally, a module is taught by more than one member of the teaching staff and because of this, a question paper for a particular module is prepared by more than one member. It is the responsibility of the module leader to put together all the questions prepared by the individual members of the teaching staff. This process is tedious for the module leader as it involves collecting copies of the questions from individual staff members who currently use different editing tools or different formatting. The module leader has to re-work the formatting of the question papers so that it meets the requirements set by the ECU. When the module leaders have completed the initial preparation of question papers and solutions for each module they are responsible for, they complete the sections they are responsible for in the TEO1 and TEO2 forms. The document sets are then passed to the internal checkers in the School of Technology. The internal checkers check the papers, complete the sections they are responsible for in the TEO1 and TEO2 forms and send their comments and suggestions back to the module leaders. The module leaders then disseminate the commented documents to the individual members of the teaching staff who prepared the initial documents for them to make necessary the necessary amendments. The amended documents are then returned to the module leaders who will need to again go through the process of putting together the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Employment Testing and Human Resource Management Article

Employment Testing and Human Resource Management - Article Example The researcher states that while Ajila and Okafor give a detailed and informative account of employment testing, the relevance of such testing in Human Resource Management is given only superficial treatment. Ajila and Okafor define Human Resources Management, its objective in matching organizational goals with employee skills, and the use of employment testing as a step in any â€Å"comprehensive screening program†. The authors present an in-depth account of the origin and nature of employment testing, beginning with its roots in the tests of Francis Galton in 1883, and its evolution over the decades: from Alfred Binet’s scales, the Stanford-Binet test, and the Army Tests used in World War I. Ajila and Okafor go on to define psychological tests, and analyze employment testing in terms of validity and reliability. As personnel selection is one of the most significant features of Human Resource Management, the authors explore validity (accuracy, legitimacy) and reliabili ty (dependability or consistency) in terms of measures used to assess the â€Å"attributes related to success on the job†. The authors give a comprehensive report of the various types of tests used in personnel screening and selection, based on cognitive ability, mechanical ability, motor and sensory ability, aptitude, personality, and knowledge. By providing examples of each kind of test, the authors further elucidate the nature of employment testing and the purpose and use of the different tests. Ajila and Okafor conclude with the unequivocal assertion that employment testing should definitely be a part of the process of personnel selection. While the authors give a commendably detailed analysis of the history of psychological testing, and a comprehensive list of the types of tests, the article does not make a strong enough case for the inclusion of such testing in the personnel selection process. Ajila and Okafor do not quote any studies or research to back their stand tha t employment testing is a reliable and valid method of personnel selection.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES - Term Paper Example He said, â€Å"Will the principles have any management code?† in his discussion, it shows that his principles came to shape the management of most organizations that were in existence and those to come. To date, his principles have formed the basis of management. However, management is not complete without leadership principles. Good leaders are managers and know what and how to manage. In espoused Stauffacher leadership principles, it is the full integration of management principles. Division of work: - it is clear that specialization by employees increases the output since they become increasingly efficient and skilled. The idea is to produce more and better outcomes using the same effort. This principle forms the basis of the modern economy which allows an increase in productivity. When my father bought another new car, I thought he would give me the old model. Ironically, he showed no interest to my plea. One day, we organized for a trip to the coast. As we were three sons, he decided that he will assign us various duties. It was not a punishment, but it was a way of making us learn something. He had been a senior manager for nearby tea estate and more often he had been applying his skills. I washed the car; my younger brother fetched the water while my elder brother dusts the seats. Since we wanted to go, we had to prove our desire by working diligently and committedly. In my little knowledge, I did my work because of the reward- going for a trip. Little did I know that it was one way of managing a small family. This will make every worker perform efficiently in his/her area. The overall outcome would be higher than no division of duties. In our house, we have employed people to assist us in daily chores. Since they cannot perform equally, we have assigned them duties according to their specialization. Some may work in the kitchen while others in the garden. The results would be

Monday, September 23, 2019


EMPLOYMENT LAW(EQUAL PAY LAWS-ARE THE ADEQUATE - Essay Example It would be necessary to consider each aspect individually in order to arrive at the correct results regarding the effectiveness of relevant legislatures and laws on the overall parity between genders in the context of UK employment scenario. What is necessary to consider in this paper is its scope, in that it is to examine whether the laws monitoring a more just and equitable wage distribution system between genders, absence of bias and discrimination in wage rate fixation systems among the genders and also the impact of work performance. The simple and logical rule is that both men and women need to be paid equally for performing the same kind and output of work, and there should be no bias or discrimination in wage rate fixation based on their gender and not performance. Further, the onus would fall upon the employers to prove that differentials in wage scales were due to other important and significant considerations other then gender. When men and women are performing the same kind of work, and following the same criteria for its performance, it is necessary that they be rewarded on similar quantitative basis, to avoid disparity and bias in wage payment systems. Again, if differentials persist, it would be incumbent upon the part of the employers to state and prove the reasons for such differences were due to material reasons other than the choice of gender discrimination. For instance it could be due to better technical knowledge, greater output and superior quality of performance, etc. It is proposed to examine these laws and directives in order to reach a consensus on the effectiveness of wage equality laws. Moreover, another important aspect that needs to be considered in this context could be that laws need to be operationalised and properly implemented in order to be of some consequence. Besides, constant monitoring and follow up action also needs to be made in order to be of some

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Chronicle of a Summer Essay Example for Free

Chronicle of a Summer Essay Ethnofiction is a term that is used to provide a new contemporary sound to an older terminology (neologism) particularly dealing with docufiction (a term coined from the combination of the words documentary and fiction film). In visual anthropology, ethnofiction refers to ethnography or the genre of writings which gives an elucidating study or point of view regarding human societies. Predominantly, the results of the holistic research method are presented by ethnography and can be used in ethnofiction. In addition to this, ethnofiction also consists of both formal and historical connections. A lot of cultural anthropologists and ethnologists are using ethnofiction in their works and consider it as the essence of discipline. Jean Rouch, the most renowned ethnologists, specifically considered as the â€Å"father of ethnofiction† was able to understand and discover that in making events which are registered by the camera. Consequently, the camera in this scenario or scene becomes a participant. Due to practice, research and documentaries are lavished with the idea of using cameras. This is in accordance to Rouch’s aim of furthering his goals, objectives and introduction of the actor as a tool in the film or in Rouch’s research. According to Brian Quist, through Jean Rouch â€Å"a new genre (of filmmaking) was born†. Jean Rouch is an innovative French director who definitely fathered the movement called cinema-verite. Jean Rouch’s style of filmmaking is a spontaneous one that blurred between or consists of educational, ethnographic and fiction film. Rouch filmed in many West African countries where he was able to train and support actors, cameramen, technicians and directors. One of his apprentices was Safi Faye. The African filmmakers that Jean Rouch promoted did not in the end become avant-garde cinema-verite directors, largely because they could not afford to take ten or twenty hours of rushes to produce a 45-minute feature, but he may have had an effect in other ways. When he set out to produce history he adopted a version of ethnographic realism. In 1975 he filmed a story situated in the late 19th century, â€Å"Babatou† , â€Å"les trios conseils†, with a crew of technicians from Niger and on the basis of a script written by the historian Boubou Hama. Following his work habits, he developed only minimally the dialogue, which the actors fleshed out by improvisation on location. The team travelled around to find a suitable location. The problem was to find places that had not changed in a hundred years, without corrugated metal roofs or plastic containers. Without further safeguards this solution is illusory, because the sun-baked clay houses of the savannah rarely survive one hundred years and what appears old now may be an environment radically transformed during the colonial period. Jean Rouch’s search still reveals more concern for historical authenticity, compared to the shortcuts that Kabore takes, but is inspired by the same supposition that in Africa the actual looks like the historical once you remove from it what is ostensibly European origin (Bickford-Smith and Mendelsohn 20). Jean Rouch’s aesthetic is guided by the effort to produce ethnographic estrangement. Rouch celebrated film â€Å"Les Maitres fous† (1955), filmed in Ghana among migrant workers from Niger who undergo a possession ritual, is very much a display of radical difference, even if recorded with humor and respect. As such, it goes very much against the grain of how most West African intellectuals would like to see their cultural heritage presented to outsiders, the main reason, I think, why many of them do not like Rouch’s films. West African films look different and show the culture in a different way. There are statelier in rhythm and style and less adventurous in form. They also present their characters as likeable and not wild. â€Å"Cinema-verite† is translated as â€Å"Film truth† in French. Cinema-verite is as style of filmmaking that uses the camera as a protagonist, as a catalyst for action (Kahn 185). In addition to this, it is derived from Dziga Vertov’s â€Å"Kino-pravda† a documentary film series in the Soviet Union of the 1920s, wherein it was important that the film audience realized it was watching a film, not reality. The term was coined by Jean Rouch together with the help of Edgar Morin while making â€Å"Chronique d’un ete† (1961) with newly developed, portable cameras and Nagra sound recorders. In this film interview, subjects of Rouch and Morin get to watch and comment on footage of themselves. The term â€Å"cinema-verite† also implies that the filmmakers try to avoid manipulating documentary truth, but it has often been confused with â€Å"Direct Cinema† which is a movement which emphasized â€Å"objectivity† over â€Å"reflexivity of cinema-verite†. The term â€Å"verite† is used in Hollywood to denote a style of shooting to achieve the effects of veracity and immediacy or the jerky, hand-held camera and grainy out-of-focus texture (Barnard et al. 377). In the early 1960s, technical advances made it possible for small crews to produce synchronous-sound location films. The equipment encouraged some filmmakers to record actions and events as detached observers, naively assuming that they were not significantly influencing the actions being followed. The so-called American direct cinema of Richard Leacock, Robert Drew, the Maysles brothers (Albert and David), and the others helped to define this kind of documentary. Eventually, it led to what is known today as observational-style film, which became so attractive for some ethnographic filmmakers (Ruby 12). Jean Rouch on the other hand, having founded the cinema-verite, obviously adopts the opposite approach unlike the previously mentioned ethnographers of filmmakers. Jean Rouch aim in cinema-verite is to have the subjects reveal their culture. The use of the camera as a character in the films he made was due to the fact that he felt that the presence of the camera could provoke a cine trance for his subjects. In â€Å"Chronicle of a Summer† (1961), the filmmakers combined the ideas they have borrowed from Flaherty with those of Soviet film theorist and practitioner Dziga Vertov. Rouch brought the cameras and his filmmaking style into Paris streets for impromptu encounters in which the filmmaking process was often a part of the film, with filmmakers and equipment in frame. Consequently, the actions of Jean Rouch and his works lead to an immediate notice or significant influence to the films of French New Wave directors such as Jean-Luc Godard and Chris marker, whose film â€Å"Le Foli Mai† is a direct response to â€Å"Chronicle of a Summer†. Rouch’s influence in the United States was not immediate unlike that of the France because so few of his films were accessible (Ruby 12). Rouch has persistently continued with his style and to develop his collaborative approach over a forty-year period in a number of films made with West Africans. Some criticized certain early efforts, Such as â€Å"Les Maitres Fous† (1955), as ethnocentric because of an assumed overemphasis on the bizarre, but others celebrated it as definitive surrealist film (Ruby 5). However, his intentions was to produce a â€Å"shared anthropology† in which those in front of the camera shared the power with the director. This idea reached an apex with his so-called ethnographic science fiction films, such as â€Å"Petit a Petit† (1968), â€Å"Cocorico†, â€Å"Monsieur Poulet† (1983) and â€Å"Madame l’Eau† (1992). Rouch is not alone in France in his adventurous experiments in collaboration. In 1964, George Rouqier produced a film about a year in life on a farm as lived by his relatives. In his film, the subjects were asked to enact their lives which is kind of ethnodocudrama. Although it was screened at the 1947 Venice Film Festival as a French form of neorealism, it has been virtually ignored by the United States anthropologists. Jean Rouch is also not alone when it comes to his interests in pushing the limits of documentary realism. For example, the United States anthropologist Robert Ascher experimented with drawing directly on film to produce a â€Å"cameraless† interpretation of a myth which is considered to be a technique found in experimental art films. As with Rouch, his efforts have been ignored. Stoller contends that Jean Rouch is a premature postmodernist. However, it should be considered that Rouch’s work in multivocality and reflexivity has been ignored by the so-called crisis of representation and writing culture folks. Their lack of understanding of Rouch’s many contributions to the postmodern debates that have obsessed anthropology in recent years perhaps the best example of how marginalized ethnographic film is to the mainstream of cultural anthropology. Other anthropologists who disagree with Rouch’s filmmaking style and contributions simply do not see his work as contributing to their interests (Ruby 13). From his works and style in enthnofiction, as observed in his â€Å"Chronicle of a Summer†, a certain concept of ethnofiction can be identified. However, before reaching that fruitful conclusion or concept, Jean Rouch had to perform several tests or experiments in filmmaking, particularly exploring the subject matter or aspects of ethnofiction. Based from his works and experiments, five characteristics can be deduced. First, is the â€Å"thorough ethnographical research† (Quist 9) which can be observed in his films such as â€Å"Les maitres fous† and Batille Sur Le Grand Fleuve†. Second, ethnofiction consists of â€Å"truthful circumstances and accurate documentation† (Quiest 9). Third, ethnofiction â€Å"utilizes the cinema’s need for story as well as dramatic curve† (Quiest 9) which can be observed in Jean Rouch films such as â€Å"The Lion Hunters†. Fourth is the characteristic, on Rouch’s term, â€Å"cine-trance† which have been previously mentioned or discussed. Commonly, â€Å"cine-trance† is referred to as â€Å"improvisation†. The fifth characteristic of ethnofiction, and probably the most important part of the films and considerations of Jean Rouch is â€Å"participant reaction† which can be observed in â€Å"Chronicle of a Summer† (Quist 9). After the establishment of the five characteristics of ethnofiction, there was a need for Jean Rouch to develop a single film that would encompass all these five characteristics of ethnofiction. Jean Rouch pursued an ethnofiction film that would incorporate all these characteristics. The film noted in Quist analysis is â€Å"Jaguar† which was completed and released in 1967. This film became the classic example for ethnofiction film because it encompassed or included all the five characteristics of ethnofiction perfectly. This comprehensive ethnofiction film instantly gained fame and became renowned not only in Africa but also to film festivals worldwide (Quist 10). Jean Rouch’s perseverance however does not stop at the success of â€Å"Jaguar†. He continued honing his skills until the five characteristics of ethnofiction became very familiar with him and his films. He continuously endeavoured in order to improve the cinema-verite which he and Morison founded. He also continued making films to influence other filmmakers and to introduce different or varieties of culture from the point of view of its subjects. Jean Rouch’s perseverance, efforts and success are really remarkable that he definitely lives to the expectations of those who look up to him. His influences and his contributions to the filmmaking industry really justifies Jean Rouch as â€Å"father of ethnofiction†. Works Cited Barnard, Tim, Timothy Barnard, and Peter Rist. South American Cinema: A Critical Filmography, 1915-1994. USA: First University of Texas Press Printing, 1996. Bickford-Smith, Vivian, and Richard Mendelsohn. Black and White in Colour: African History on Screen. UK: James Currey Ltd, 2007. Kahn, Hillary E. Seeing and Being Seen: The Qeqchi Maya of Livingston, Guatemala, and Beyond. USA: The University of Texas Press, 2006. Quist, Brian. Jean Rouch and the Genesis of Ethnofiction. Long Island University. Ruby, Jay. Picturing Culture: Explorations of Film and Anthropology. USA: The University of Chicago, 2000.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Peachtree Healthcare Essay Example for Free

Peachtree Healthcare Essay Peachtree Healthcare has been faced with a dilemma. There has been a major IT infrastructure problem within the company for some time now. Since technology has taken over in the healthcare field, it is imperative that Peachtree Healthcare get the technology needed so that they can be trusted and well known within the healthcare industry. Mission The mission of Peachtree Healthcare is to ensure quality, consistency, and continuity of care across the entire network – and to deliver care with the highest levels of efficiency and economy while maintaining respect for patients and staff. Objectives The hospital needs to decide on what long / short term IT infrastructure system strategies and roadmaps are needed to increase efficiency. The new system should allow sharing of patient records, ensure quality, consistency, and continuity of care across entire network of hospitals and physicians. Key Issues The IT infrastructure is not reliable; therefore, uses are unable to perform their day to day functions including clinical duties. This is impacting quality and safety of patient care. Recommendations Adopt service oriented architecture (SOA) which will enable selective standardization. CURRENT SITUATION (10) Peachtree Healthcare has major IT infrastructure problems and is struggling to find the right fix. Growth through acquisitions has led to the inheritance of many incompatible legacy systems. Current IT resources are focused on maintaining inefficient processes in order to keep the hospital running. The maintenance costs of the current IT system are so high that further innovation has become a luxury. In addition there have been recent meltdowns of clinical information systems. IT infrastructure is not reliable; therefore users are unable to perform their day to day functions, including clinical duties. This is impacting quality and safety of patient care. Furthermore there is pressure from the hospital’s board to standardize hospital procedures and practices without fully assessing the need for it. Max Berndt (CEO), Candace Markovich (CIO) and Tom Drane (CFO) are struggling to analyze the current situation subjectively in order to properly manage the pressure to follow competitors. CRITERIA (5) The hospital needs to decide on what long / short term IT infrastructure system strategies and roadmaps are needed to increase efficiency. The new system should allow sharing of patient records, ensure quality, consistency, and continuity of care across entire network of hospitals and physicians. The system should also ensure â€Å"selective† standardization of certain medical procedures across the network but allow sufficient flexibility to individual hospitals and professionals in other areas. Other criteria include: †¢ Time to value when will the new system realize value for each business unit †¢ Flexibility easy to modify, upgrade and customization capabilities †¢ Staff buy-in ability to convince all staff to give this project a try ALTERNATIVES RECOMMENDATIONS (15) Alternative 1: Monolithic System (Modular Enterprise System) A monolithic system is single set of systems and applications that will provide consistency across Peachtree’s facilities but may not give doctors enough flexibility. Other pros and cons include: Alternative 2: Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) System A servicer-oriented architecture system is modular design that will allow Peachtree to standardize incrementally and selectively but poses certain risks as a newer technology. Recommendation: My recommendation is to crease a strategy of selective standardization using a SOA system. This means assessing and deciding on a SOA architecture standard. Reviewing individual business functions and deciding on an ideal standard for that functional unit then migrating others to it. This will allow Peachtree to standardize incrementally, which Max has wanted most in an IT infrastructure. RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN (15) Since SOA is a new technology, there are serious risks and consequences involved with this approach. The SOA technology is not mature yet and has not been tested in the long term. As a result there is a lot of unpredictability. To mitigate these risks Peachtree should gradually replace its old system with the SOA System. They should proceed with SOA in stages by piloting smaller projects to quickly provide value to business units. By gradually installing the SOA, Peachtree and its doctors would learn about how the systems worked and they could then master it in a sense as the infrastructure moved further. By gradually installing the infrastructure, Peachtree would not only minimize risk but also create flexibility and control. With the gradual learning process on the new SOA system, Peachtree and its physicians would allow IT to shift priorities along the way. Peachtree should also create case studies to get other business units and vendors support throughout roll-out process. They should also consider hiring external change management consultants to ensure minimum user disruption and smooth transition into the new system.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Challenges And Opportunities That Social Media Networks Offer Media Essay

Challenges And Opportunities That Social Media Networks Offer Media Essay Traditional media v/s new age media The availability of digital media such as satellite and mobile phones, the digital television and most importantly the internet, as a means for communication makes Internet Marketing (IM) very different from the Conventional Marketing. McDonald and Wilson (1999) elaborately highlighted the key difference between traditional media and new media. With particular emphasises on IM the authors proposed what they call The 6 Is of e-marketing mix. The authors posit that the relevance of the 6 Is are twofold (i) they draw emphasis on the practical aspects of IM such as direct response and personalization and (ii) provide an understanding of strategic issues such as restructuring of the industry and the changes in the integrated channel communications. The 6 Is of e-marketing mix Interactivity In the case of traditional media the marketing message is predominately broadcasted from a company to its target audience, thereby implying the existence of a push factor. This process of communication provides little scope for interaction with the customers. However, on the Internet, contact is initiated by the customer who, in most cases, is seeking information, implying the existence of a pull factor (Deighton, 1996). Intelligence The internet renders itself as a cost effective means of conducting market research. The internet is an especially useful tool in gathering information about customer perceptions about the product/ service. Individualism (Fig 1.14) pg 30 As illustrated in the diagram above, new media forms allow marketing communications to be tailored to the individual that the message is meant for, unlike in the case of traditional media wherein communication is mass media and the same message is disseminated to its audiences. (Lasswell 1984, Katz and Lazarsfeld 1955) Further, the inherent feature of personalisation that new media forms offer to marketers is an important building block in managing relationships with customers. Integration (diagram: A New Marketing Paradigm for Electronic Commerce) The conventional marketing communication model witnesses a fundamental alteration in the presence of a hypermedia Computer-Mediated Environment (CME) like the internet (Hoffman and Novak 1996). The internet enables an increased scope for an integrated marketing communication. The CME communication model provides a platform for consumers to interact with each other, the medium and the company itself. The most drastic departure from the traditional media is the opportunity for the consumers to generate content onto the medium. Hence, in the CME model the primary relationship is with the receiver and the CME, and not between the sender and the receiver, which is the case in traditional media.( Hoffman, 1996) The active role of the consumers makes it imperative for marketers to integrate their communication messages. Industry restructuring. Concepts such as disintermediation and reintermediation (Chaffey et al, 2003) are important considerations for companies that operate in a CME. Disintermediation refers to the process of eliminating conventional intermediaries such as agents and brokers, who previously linked the company to its customers. Reintermediation is the process of creating new age intermediaries between the company and its customer, given the presence of the internet. These new age intermediaries are often referred to as cybermediaries (Shankar et al, 1996) and include virtual communities like forums, fan clubs and user groups, search engines like Google and Bing , virtual resellers like Amazon and eBay. Independence of location The internet provides the possibility of an increased reach of a companys marketing communications to the global audience. This can often translate into reaching international markets and audiences. Social media networks: AN INTRODUCTION Social media networks, though a relatively new terrain for most companies and brand managers had its humble beginnings when Open Diary was founded in 1950s with the intent to create a community of diary writers. A few years later, Tom Truscott and Jim Ellis introduced Usenet, letting its users post articles to its groups. (Kaplan et al, 2010). Dating sites that enabled its users to create profiles and even update pictures and online forums, which were the more user friendly and sophisticated versions of BBSs (Bulletin Board Systems), are all building blocks of the social media networks as we know it today. With the passage of time and the technological developments that . SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS: OPPOTUNTIES AND CHALLENGES Social networking sites: Social networking sites like face book, my space, twitter and orkut are platforms for Internet users to create individual profiles with personal information, make new friends and connect with old ones and even for business networking, in some cases. Users can use certain applications which help them connect to each other through instant messaging and sending emails between each other, creating personalised profiles for themselves which can be accessed by colleagues and friends etc. Such applications are known as Social networking sites. Personal profiles are highly specialised as they are suited to the users needs. He/she can upload audio files, videos, blogs as well photos into the profile which can be shared to other friends. Facebook is considered to be the largest social networking site and it is interesting to note that it was originally founded by US based Mark Zuckerberg who wanted to stay in touch with his friends in Harvard Unviersity. Myspace is also another example of a social networking site which has over 250 million users worldwide. SNS are being used for market research with regard to netnography as well as creating brand communities by different companies. SNS have also been used especially well for promoting movies for example when film makers create a fan page of their movie which allows user to access information such as trailers, photos and download games for free. Similarly companies sponsoring football clubs have used SNS such as Myspace to allow fans to feel closer to the teams they support. Apart from marketing their products through SNS other companies go to the extent of using SNS as a distribution channel for their products for example 1-800- flowers a US based florist has allowed facebook users to send virtual flowers to whomsoever they desire or send the real ones by directing users to their company website. VIRTUAL WORLDS Platforms which exhibit a 3 Dimensional environment through which personalised avatar forms of users can interact with each other similar to how they would in real life are known as virtual worlds. These virtual worlds could possibly be the best form of Social Media since they involve the maximum social presence of individuals rather than only some aspects of social life. There are two forms of Virtual Worlds. VIRTUAL GAME WORLD Firstly there are the virtual game worlds which involve users following strict rules through online role playing games (MMORPG). This has gained popularity and now even standard game consoles such as the Sony Playstation and the Microsoft X box allow multiplayer options to connect with users all over the world. A famous example of a widespread virtual gaming world is the World of Warcraft which has more than 8.5 million users as well as Sonys EverQuest. These games have become such an important part of lives for some people that they start replicating their online role playing character in real life. It is also possible to leverage the popularity of virtual games into traditional communication campaigns. A good example is when Toyota used figures from the World of Warcraft into one of its car advertisements. VIRTUAL SOCIAL WORLDS The second form of virtual words is the virtual social world which allows users to live a virtual life online. Similar to the virtual game worlds, virtual social worlds have users in the form of avatars all set in a 3D environment though there is one major difference which is the absence of strict rules to which users have to abide and stick by. This allows more room for freedom and self presentation and thus it has been slowly seen that users or residents of the realm bring several aspects of their real life into the online world. (Haenlein Kaplan, 2009; Kaplan Haenlein, 2009a, 2009b). A perfect example for virtual social worlds is the Second Life application which was created by Linden Research Inc. This virtual world allows day to day activities such as talking to other users, walking and even enjoying virtual sunshine. Attention to detail goes a step further due to the possibility of designing own clothes and furniture as well as buying and selling goods for virtual money. These virtual social worlds allow a large range of opportunities for marketers especially because they can get good market research virtually as well launch a product into the virtual market to see how it fairs.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Grandmother in Flannery O’Connor’s A Good Man is Hard to Find :: O’Connor A Good Man is Hard to Find

The Grandmother in Flannery O’Connor’s A Good Man is Hard to Find Flannery O’Connor is a master of the ironic, the twisted, and the real. Life is filled with tragic irony, and she perfectly orchestrates situations which demonstrate this to the fullest extent. A Good Man is Hard to Find is an excellent example of the mangled viewpoint which makes her work as compelling and striking as it is. Although this story is told in the third person, the reader’s eyes are strictly controlled by the meddling, ever-involved grandmother. She is never given a name; she is just a generic grandmother; she could belong to anyone. O’Connor portrays her as simply annoying, a thorn in her son’s side. As the little girl June Star rudely puts it, â€Å"She has to go everywhere we go. She wouldn’t stay at home to be queen for a day† (117-118). As June Star demonstrates, the family treats the grandmother with great reproach. Even as she is driving them all crazy with her constant comments and old-fashioned attitude, the reader is made to feel sorry for her. It is this constant stream of confliction that keeps the story boiling, and eventually overflows into the shocking conclusion. Of course the grandmother meant no harm, but who can help but to blame her? O’Connor puts her readers into a fit of rage as â€Å"the horrible thought† comes to the gra ndmother, â€Å"that the house she had remembered so vividly was not in Georgia but in Tennessee† (125). O’Connor uses many symbols to warn the reader of the impending doom that is about to befall the unknowing travelers. The grandmother is, of course, worried about The Misfit, and, not surprisingly, the family brushes off her concern. Here again is another conflict. If the grandmother can be blamed for the accident, can the family then be blamed for taking the trip in the first place? The grandmother warned them didn’t she? This may sound foolish, but it does follow the same logic. The grandmother also foreshadows the horrible events to come with her choice of attire to ride in the car. The â€Å"purple spray of cloth violets† (118) that she had placed on her blouse were to serve a purpose. The Grandmother in Flannery O’Connor’s A Good Man is Hard to Find :: O’Connor A Good Man is Hard to Find The Grandmother in Flannery O’Connor’s A Good Man is Hard to Find Flannery O’Connor is a master of the ironic, the twisted, and the real. Life is filled with tragic irony, and she perfectly orchestrates situations which demonstrate this to the fullest extent. A Good Man is Hard to Find is an excellent example of the mangled viewpoint which makes her work as compelling and striking as it is. Although this story is told in the third person, the reader’s eyes are strictly controlled by the meddling, ever-involved grandmother. She is never given a name; she is just a generic grandmother; she could belong to anyone. O’Connor portrays her as simply annoying, a thorn in her son’s side. As the little girl June Star rudely puts it, â€Å"She has to go everywhere we go. She wouldn’t stay at home to be queen for a day† (117-118). As June Star demonstrates, the family treats the grandmother with great reproach. Even as she is driving them all crazy with her constant comments and old-fashioned attitude, the reader is made to feel sorry for her. It is this constant stream of confliction that keeps the story boiling, and eventually overflows into the shocking conclusion. Of course the grandmother meant no harm, but who can help but to blame her? O’Connor puts her readers into a fit of rage as â€Å"the horrible thought† comes to the gra ndmother, â€Å"that the house she had remembered so vividly was not in Georgia but in Tennessee† (125). O’Connor uses many symbols to warn the reader of the impending doom that is about to befall the unknowing travelers. The grandmother is, of course, worried about The Misfit, and, not surprisingly, the family brushes off her concern. Here again is another conflict. If the grandmother can be blamed for the accident, can the family then be blamed for taking the trip in the first place? The grandmother warned them didn’t she? This may sound foolish, but it does follow the same logic. The grandmother also foreshadows the horrible events to come with her choice of attire to ride in the car. The â€Å"purple spray of cloth violets† (118) that she had placed on her blouse were to serve a purpose.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Analysis of Cousin Kate by Christina Rossetti Essay -- English Literat

Analysis of Cousin Kate by Christina Rossetti 'Cousin Kate' by Christina Rossetti describes a cottage maiden who was seduced and used by the lord of the estate for which she worked. She was surprised and taken a back by the fact that someone so great and powerful could be slightly interested in her, and so she automatically fell in love with him. It wasn't until after he had slept with her that he left her for her cousin, Kate. The cottage maiden was devastated that he had done that to her. She felt unclean and unwanted. The lord asked for Kate's hand in marriage and she accepted. The cottage maid thought that he married Kate because she was innocent and pure, 'Because you were so good and pure/He bound you with his ring' - the cottage maiden is in complete contrast to her cousin. The only good thing that came out of this was the cottage maiden had a child, 'Yet I've a gift you have not got...' and 'my fair-haired son'. The lord had seduced the cottage maiden and used her like a 'silken knot'. This basically means that the lord used the cottage maiden as a trophy and used her when he wanted to. This is a poem based and written in the 19th century. There are three main characters in the story. Cousin Kate, the cottage maiden and the Lord. The title of this poem is self-explanatory. The poem is based on a character called Cousin Kate. As she is the main character in the poem, the whole poem revolves around her. The poem basically tells us about 19th century life and people's attitudes towards unlawful relationships. The poem tells us about a cottage maiden who had an affair with a Lord. She loses her virginity to him, and then regrets the whole ordeal. In the 19th century, if you were not known as pure ... ... but further on she's not able to contain this calmness anymore and has an outburst of hatred towards the Lord - something that she's been trying to cover. The last stanza of the poem becomes more of revenge than hatred. She feels she's had revenge over the Lord and Kate by having a child - something that they're not likely to get. She sounds very self-satisfied. Christina Rossetti has written a very good portrayal of life in early times. It shows how society rejected woman who had unlawful sex in earlier times; women were judges and disowned by all people who knew them. Society has now changed. Women are no longer judged or even looked down on by anyone. It has become a way of life that in earlier times may have been considered as dirty and unlawful, people's attitudes have changes and it is no longer as big a deal as it was in the early 19th century.